Igniting Her Potential: Highlighting the Role of Mentorship on International Day of the Girl Child 2024

Mentor embracing her mentored youth; in this case, a girl. Image represents the impact mentorship can have at advancing the mission of International Day of the Girl Child.

International Day of the Girl Child

Every year, on October 11th, the world comes together to celebrate International Day of the Girl Child, a day dedicated to recognizing the unique challenges that girls face globally and advocating for their rights. This day is particularly significant for us at Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland, where our mission is to enable transformational mentoring relationships that help self-identifying girls, non-binary, transgender, and gender-diverse youth to reach their full potential.

The theme of International Day of the Girl Child aligns with our core values: championing potential, building connections, and supporting youth. It’s an opportunity to highlight the work still needed to achieve gender equity. Girls face barriers both here in Canada and around the world, and we’re here to help them break through.

The Challenges Girls Face: Why International Day of the Girl Child Matters

Girls are disproportionately impacted by issues like gender-based violence, lack of education, and discrimination. The United Nations reports that adolescent girls face increased risks of violence, mental health struggles, and economic exclusion. In Canada, girls aged 15 to 17 are twice as likely to be hospitalized for mental health concerns compared to boys. They are also 4.6 times more likely to experience sexual assault by a family member.

Yet, despite these challenges, girls have the power to create change—if they have the support they need to thrive. International Day of the Girl Child reminds us that empowering girls builds a more just and equitable world.

Empowering Girls Through Mentorship: How Big Sisters Supports Gender-Diverse Youth

At Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland, we ignite potential in self-identifying girls and gender-diverse youth through our one-on-one and group mentorship programs. We believe strong role models and consistent support help girls overcome personal and societal barriers.

Through our programs, we create lasting connections that build self-esteem and resilience. Our Study Buddy Program focuses on academic success, while our Group Mentorship Programs foster personal growth. These opportunities help young people discover their potential and pursue their dreams.

One of our newest programs, “My Voice, My Power!”, addresses gender-based violence. It equips girls and gender-diverse youth with the skills and knowledge they need to navigate complex challenges. They also learn to advocate for themselves in a safe, supportive environment.

Fostering Gender Equity for Youth

Gender equity is at the core of what we do. Though progress has been made, there is still work to be done. Women and girls are still underrepresented in leadership positions, and the gender pay gap remains. These inequalities often begin early, when girls are discouraged from taking on leadership roles or lack support in pursuing academic or career goals.

Our mentorship programs address these challenges by developing leadership skills and building confidence in girls. Every connection matters. Every phone call, every meeting, every outing is a chance for mentors to show their Littles they are capable of greatness.

How You Can Support Girl Empowerment Programs: A Call to Action

This International Day of the Girl Child, we encourage everyone to reflect on the importance of supporting girls and gender-diverse youth in our communities. There are several ways you can get involved:

  • Become a Mentor: Volunteer your time to make a lasting impact in a young person’s life.
  • Advocate for Gender Equity: Support policies that promote equal opportunities for girls and women and join the conversation online using hashtags like #DayOfTheGirl, #GirlsEmpowerment, and #GenderEquality.
  • Support Our Programs: Consider donating to Big Sisters to help us continue providing life-changing mentoring relationships.

Together, we can build a future where every girl is empowered to achieve her full potential and contribute to a more equitable world.

This October 11th, International Day of the Girl Child 2024, let’s celebrate the voices, dreams, and power of girls across the world—because when we invest in girls, we invest in a brighter future for everyone.



  1. Child and Youth Mental Health During a Pandemic, Dr. Quynh Doan, BC Children’s Hospital https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/canadian-teens-mental-health-1.6759486
  2. https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/phac-aspc/documents/services/publications/healthy-living/suicide-canada-key-statistics-infographic/ENG.pdf
  3. https://www.unwomen.org/en/news-stories/feature-story/2022/02/five-ways-to-build-gender-equality-and-sustainability
  4. https://www.unicef.org/gender-equality/international-day-girl
  5. https://www.canada.ca/en/women-gender-equality/commemorations-celebrations/womens-history-month/international-day-girl-child.html
  6. https://www.awarenessdays.com/awareness-days-calendar/international-day-of-the-girl-child-2024/